About Us

Clay + Collection started when I began making clay earrings with co-workers in 2019. The first ones were very rough, but you have to start somewhere! Right away, I could tell this would be something I could pour my heart and soul into, but I had no idea how it would turn out.

Once I had a few pieces that I was happy with, I opened my first Etsy shop. At first, it was only my friends and family that supported me. But, eventually through word of mouth (and maybe a bit of luck!) I started getting orders from people I had never met in places I had never been. Since then, we've been getting orders from just about every state in the US and even some international orders! 

I'm very proud of my earrings and I hope you enjoy wearing them as much as I enjoy creating them! 

I am based in the Minneapolis, MN area and live with my boyfriend and our dog, Ernie. 

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